Legal Disclaimer

1. Corporate information

Pursuant to the provisions of Spanish Information Society Services and Electronic Trading Act 34 of 11 July 2002, you are hereby informed that IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L. is the owner of the website at Pursuant to the requirements of Article 10 of the aforementioned Act, IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L. here by informs you that the owner of the website is IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L., with Tax Code (CIF) B88249933. MADRID Company Registry. Volume: 38535 Sheet: 53. Page: M-685327 and registered address at: C/ Príncipe de Vergara 108, piso 2, 28002. The company can be contacted via email at:

2. Use of the websites and rules governing liability

Browsing, accessing or making use of the website at and all the subdomains and directories included under that address, along with any service or content that can be obtained via the website and all the domain portals owned by IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L., affords the status of User, and in browsing the IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L. website you therefore accept all the user conditions established herein, without prejudice to application of and compliance with the relevant mandatory legal regulations, as applicable.

Therefore, if you do not agree to the terms set out in this legal disclaimer, we would ask you not to use this portal, since any use that is made of the portal and the services and content that it contains implies acceptance of the legal terms set out herein.

The IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L. website offers a wide range of information, services and data. Users accept liability for their correct use of the websites. Such liability shall extend to the following: the truth and legality of any information provided by the user when completing the forms supplied by IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L. in order to access some of the content or services offered on the website.

Any use of the information, services or data offered by IBEXIA COX ENERGY DEVELOPMENT S.L. that contravenes the contents of these terms and conditions, the law, moral rectitude, customary practice or public order, or that may in any other way cause harm to the rights of third parties or impair the operation of the websites. To this end, the User shall refrain from using any of the content of this website for any unlawful purpose or effect, or for any purpose forbidden in this disclaimer, that may harm the rights and interests of third parties or in any way damage, render unusable, overload, impair or prevent the normal use of this website or cause harm to other Users or any other user of the Internet (hardware and software).

Users shall be liable for any kind of damage that the owner of this website may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of any failure to comply with any of the obligations that result from the use of this website and this privacy policy.

In particular, and including but not limited to, the User agrees not to transmit, disclose or make available to third parties any information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files and photographs on the website.

Ibox Energy is a corporate member of UNEF (the Spanish Photovoltaic Union) and the APPA (Association of Renewable Energy Companies)

To get in touch, you can email us at

For job enquiries, please send your CV to

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All rights reserved ©Ibox Energy 2021..